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Ways to overcome the fear of failure in competitive exams

Jul 18, 2018 by Admin
Ways to overcome the fear of failure in competitive exams


"Put your notes away. It’s time to take the test," says your teacher.

  • You feel paralyzed by fear.
  • Your stomach tightens.
  • Your palms get sweaty.
  • As your teacher places the test paper on your table, your mind goes blank.

Sound familiar?

This is understandable. After all, we live in a society that places a heavy emphasis on performance and achievement, so parents have high expectations of their children.

In order to overcome our fear of failure in competitive exams, we first need to realize that there are three stages in the journey: Acceptance, Approval and Adventure.


Competitive exams are often considered as a fear factor, many aspirants complain that they forget everything they read as soon as they see the exam paper due to anxiety.

A certain amount of anxiety/fear prior to exam is a desirable spur to effort. But when the anxiety becomes excessive and is not channeled to productive work it leads to a general inhabitation of mental process. This is normal and necessary in order to be sufficiently motivated to perform. Accepting the nature of the exam and the challenging syllabus can ease your tension of failing.

  • Relaxing yourself and taking time to rehearse what it will be like to succeed, being specific and visualizing taking the exam or practicing. Imagining yourself writing quickly and confidently.
  • Breathing technique can be used in any stressful situation and it’s not visible.
  • Thinking of some positive stories that inspire you to achieve your goal.
  • Listening to calm and soothing music or sounds to relieve your stress.

Accepting every obstacle and fighting those with the motive to crack your exam and accepting the fact that it’s not going to be a piece of cake but you can make it yours by working hard and thinking positive, acting positive can help you fight your fear of failing.


Approval of new habits to your routine.A healthy routine changes your whole lifestyle and the way you look at things. Certain habits which can help you stay positive and gain confidence:

  • Stay hydrated: drink lots of water to keep you hydrated which will give you enough energy to work and release stress.
  • Have enough sleep
  • Avoid use of social media: social media can highly distract you and increase your fear or tension, avoiding the use of social media is the best habit to crack a competitive exam.
  • Regular study: if you have studied regularly you drastically let go your fear of failure and focus on being successful and confident.
  • Talk to family regarding your fear and take suggestions.
  • Take breaks and try to meditate and concentrate only on the good things about life.

All these can help you have a peaceful studying mindset and decrease the stress level/fear of failing.


Again, competitive exams are considered fear factor but life is all about adventure, right?

Ask yourself, why do you want to be successful and why are you hoping you do well in this particular competitive exam? Now, I’m sure you would have imagined the happiness on your parents face and the proud moment of your success.

That’s the spirit which will keep you away from thoughts of ifs. Always remember life acts upon us and even if you fail to succeed, it won’t be the end of your life.

You just have to be ready to face any consequences and not waste your time assuming that you’d fail.

Look for the stars and learn to embrace challenges as well as failures. Prepare well and remember the format and pattern. Set free the negativity and hope for the best.

Author: Nakshatra uday