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TANCET Percentile vs Marks: Know the Cutoff & Minimum Pass Score

Mar 25, 2025 by Admin
TANCET Percentile vs Marks: Know the Cutoff & Minimum Pass Score

TANCET marks vs percentile for MBA provide details into the percentile that candidates achieve based on their TANCET marks 2025. As per TANCET score vs percentile analysis, a score ranging from 60 to 100 is expected to get a percentile of 99+ in TANCET. Candidates who appeared for the TANCET 2025 exam can check their percentile based on their obtained scores.

What Are TANCET Marks?

TANCET marks refer to the total raw scores a candidate obtained across all sections of the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET). These marks are calculated based on the number is correct answers and the marking scheme of the exam. Since the TANCET exam consists of multiple sections, a candidate's total score is derived from their performance in each section. There are penalties for incorrect answers. The raw marks give an absolute measure is a candidate's performance but do not indicate their standing compared to other test-takers.

What is the TANCET Percentile?

TANCET percentile is a comparative measure that shows a candidate's performance related to other aspirants who also appear for the exam. The percentile score indicates the percentage of students who have scored equal to or less than a particular candidate. For instance, if a candidate gets 90 percentile, it means they have scores higher than 90% of the total candidates who appeared for the exam. Unlike raw scores, which show the actual scores, the percentile rank helps determine a candidate's relative who is standing in the competition. It plays an important role in MBA admissions, as many top colleges accepting TANCET consider percentile scores for admitting students.


TANCET 2025 Marks vs Percentile: Analysis

The following table gives a detailed comparison between TANCET actual marks and percentile scores. Candidates who achieve an actual score within the range can expect their TANCET percentile in 2025, as shown in the table.

TANCET Actual Marks

TANCET Percentile Score

0 - 9

Below 40

10 - 19

40 - 60

20 - 29

61 - 80

30 - 39

81 - 95

40 - 49

96 - 97

50 - 59

98 - 99

60 - 100


Difference Between TANCET Marks and Percentile

Candidates must clearly understand the key difference between TANCET 2025 marks and the TANCET percentile score.

TANCET Percentile


The TANCET 2025 percentile is calculated on a comparative basis.

TANCET marks represent the total score obtained by candidates as per the marking scheme.

The TANCET percentile reflects a candidate's performance relative to other test-takers.

The maximum total marks for TANCET are 100.

The TANCET percentile does not consider negative marking.

TANCET marks are calculated based on the marking scheme, which includes negative marking.

The TANCET percentile typically ranges between 1 and 99.

The final scorecard does not display total marks to avoid the impact of negative markings.

The TANCET percentile is mentioned on the TANCET 2025 mark sheet.



TANCET 2025 Passing Marks

Anna University does not set any predefined criteria for TANCET pass marks in 2025. Only eligible students can participate in the TANCET counselling and admission process. Each participating college releases its own TANCET MBA cutoff 2025. To get admitted, candidates must secure the minimum cutoff set by the college they want to get admission. The table below shows the minimum cutoff marks required to get admission to top MBA colleges.

What is the Percentile Score in TANCET 2025?

Candidates must familiarise themselves with the formula used to calculate the TANCET percentile score for MBA. To get a clear idea of how the TAKCET percentile score is determined for Anna University, candidates must refer to the following formula:

(Y/N) × 100 = TANCET Percentile

In this formula, Y represents the total number of candidates who appeared for the exam and scored lower marks, whereas N shows the overall number of applicants who took the TANCET 2025 exam.

Then TANCET percentile typically ranges between 1 and 99. Once the TANCET 2025 results are out, candidates can check both their TANCET marks and percentile scores. Moreover, the TANCET mark sheet will birth the TANCET marks and percentile. Therefore, it is important to know the TANCET percentile score to avoid any confusion in the future.

Normalization of TANCET Marks

Apart from understanding the percentile score in TANCET 2025, candidates must also be aware of the normalization process for various courses through TANCET 2025. All the above-mentioned entrance exam question papers will have 2 common sections. 

Paper I – Engineering Mathematics

Part II – Basic Engineering and Sciences

Part III - Discipline-specific. It means that marks for this section will vary based on the provenance is the canisters within their disciplines. To fairness, the marks for Part III will be normalized using the below-mentioned formula:

(X + r) * m = Computed Marks of Part III

              •            X represents the adjustment factor.

              •            r is the raw mark obtained by the candidate.

              •            m is the multiple factor used to standardize the average across all subjects.


Moreover, the normalization process plays an important role in determining the percentile score in TANCET MBA. This method makes sure a relative ranking is candidates who are maintaining fairness in the evaluation process.


TANCET Cutoff 2025

The TANCET 2025 cutoff is based on various factors. It includes the number is seats, difficulty level and other parameters. The cutoff will be released online in a rank-wise format within the seat allotment.

Each course will have a category-wise cutoff and candidates have to secure the minimum required rank to get admission to top colleges accepting TANCET 2025 scores.

Expected TANCET MBA 2025 Cutoff

The TANCET pass marks 2025 obtained by candidates play an important role in their shortlisting for the admission process. Candidates are advised of the expected cutoff provided here:


TANCET MBA Cutoff 2025 (Expected)


19 - 36


20.5- 35.5


33.25 -35.5

Open Category

38 -50


TANCET MBA Colleges Expected Cutoff 2025

The following table shows the expected TANCET cutoff percentile scores for some of the top MBA colleges in India.

TANCET Participating Colleges

TANCET Expected Cutoff Percentile

Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology

68 -70

Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College

75 - 82

Loyola Institute of Technology

80 - 85

Velammal Engineering College

84 - 92

Annamalai University Faculty of Engineering and Technology (MBA in Infrastructure Management)

85 - 90

The Ethiraj College (Women)

90 - 92

Bharathiar University

93.50 - 95

University of Madras

97 - 98.80

PSG College of Technology

99.10 - 99.35

University Departments of Anna University Chennai

99.40 - 99.80


Read more: 

TANCET 2025 Exam- Registration Dates, Syllabus
Top MBA Colleges Accepting TANCET score in India
TANCET Mock Tests
Top MBA Colleges under TANCET