The registrations for NEET PG 2021 will begin soon as the organizing committee- The National Board of Examinations (NBE) of NEET PG 2021 will make the application forms live on their authenticated website. NEET PG exam is the entrance test for all the medical aspiring young candidates. The medical colleges will accept this exam's scores to get admissions for Postgrad level courses, and the exam date for NEET PG 2021 is fixed for April 18, 2021. Once the applications are accessible on the website, students can register and apply for the examination.
Students should know the eligibility criteria before applying for the examination. The NEET PG 2021 is held to get admissions in PG level programs like Doctor of Medicine, Master of Surgery, and PG Diploma for medical programs.
NBE might change the dates for the NEET PG exam if there is any unforeseen situation, but by discussing NMC and the health ministry, the exam's tentative date is given out to be April 18, 2021.
By NEET PG entrance exam, there are 10821 admission seats given to Master of Surgery (MS), 19,953 seats for Doctor of Medicine (MD), and Diploma seats of 1,979 PG given at private, government, central, and deemed universities across the country (6,102)
As per the given statistics of last year, there were 1, 67,102 medical aspirants who registered to take up the exam, and around 1 60,888 students appeared for the exam in real.