The University of Kannur offers numerous undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields like BA, B.Sc, and B.Com, MA, M.Sc, M.Com. The Kannur University conducts yearly examinations for these courses annually. The yearly examination is scheduled to be conducted from March to May every year.
Kannur University offers semester exam courses which are divided into the even semester and odd semester. The universities official website is the key link to all details like yearly and semester end examinations that are conducted on time and the result of all exams is declared in the same website.
Steps to check Kannur University Result 2020
Step 1: Student should visit the official university website.
Step 2: Student should go to Exam Section and should click on the Exam result link.
Step 3: Student can select any UG, PG, Professional result link
Step 4: Student should open the respective exam’s link.
Step 5: Students will redirected to the result page when opened where they have to enter their Roll number and other details and click submit button.
Step 6: Result will be showcased in the screen which can be downloaded or can take a print out.
Steps to check Kannur University Revaluation Result 2020
Step 1: Student should visit the official university website.
Step 2: Student should go to Student Corner Section and should click on the tab.
Step 3: Student should select Revaluation option under Student Corner.
Step 4: Student should open and select UG/ PG/ Professional/Other option according to their requirement.
Step 5: Students will redirected to the result page when opened where they have to enter their Roll number and other details and click submit button.
Step 6: Result will be showcased in the screen which can be downloaded or can take a print out.
Steps to check Kannur University Distance Education Result 2020
Step 1: Student should visit the official university website.
Step 2: Student should go to Distance Education tab and click.
Step 3: Student should select Distance Education result tab.
Step 4: Students will redirected to the result page when opened where they have to enter their Roll number and other details and click submit button.
Step 5: Result will be showcased in the screen which can be downloaded or can take a print out for future referance.