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JEE Main 2021: February session Admit Cards to be expected soon

Feb 10, 2021 by Admin
JEE Main 2021: February session Admit Cards to be expected soon

JEE Main the national level entrance examination for all the engineering aspiring students where NTA organizes this examination four times every year. The February session is likely to be conducted from 23RD to 26th of Feb 2021. According to the exam authorities' schedule, the release of admit cards or hall tickets will happen any time soon, and the students are advised to check the website now and then get their hall tickets. When the hall tickets are released on the website, all the registered students should follow the steps and download them for further use. 

JEE Main exam is attempted by those candidates who want to join degree level of engineering programs like B-Tech or B.E in any of NIT's or IIT'S or any well-popularized Universities providing such courses. This exam is accepted in all tech colleges (both private and Government colleges) all over the country. Even the AKTU of Lucknow is now getting JEE Main scores for giving admissions for the students. 

For the year 2021, JEE Main will be organized four times- in Feb, Mar, Apr, and May. The first session will start in Feb from 23 to 26, and NTA already updates the further dates for the remaining sessions on the exam website. 

Note- The candidate can give six attempts in three consecutive years, and the authorities will not accept more than that. These multiple attempts of JEE Main will help the students to improve their performance than the earlier attempt as the pattern is of MCQ type; it will also give options to choose the questions in which they have better knowledge. The best score gained in these multiple attempts of the JEE Main exam will be considered while forming the merit list. 


The expected release of hall ticket is by the end of the second week of Feb 2021, and here is how you can download the admit card for JEE Main 2021

Step 1: Registered students will have to visit the website of JEE Main 

Step 2: Look for the 'JEE Main 2021 admit card' displayed on the screen and click on it. 

Step 3: A fresh window will open where the students can look for their admit card by filling in the details

 Step 4: Details like application num, name, password, DOB to be entered by the candidates, and after the verification is done, the respective student's admit card will be shown on the computer screen

Step 5: Check the details given on the hall ticket and if all the information is correct, then download the admit card and get 2-3 copies of it to be safe.