Education News & Articles
[POST ON: 2020-05-20]
The registration dates for the Joint Entrance Examination Council, Uttar Pradesh has been extended. The dates for the registration of UP JEECUP 2020 (Uttar Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination Council) has been postponed. The dates for the registration was been extend till 20th of May 2020. The application form for the JEECUP entrance examinati....[POST ON: 2020-05-20]
The Maharashtra state government has allowed the MHT CET applicants to update the Class 12 information post declaration on results. The government of Maharashtra state has been permitted the class 12 candidates which have applied for the MHT CET can update the class 12th information post declaration of the Class 12 results. The applicat....[POST ON: 2020-05-20]
IGNOU has extend the dates for term end semesters as per the guidelines issued by University Grants Commission. IGNOU abbreviated as Indira Gandhi National Open University has delayed its term end examination (TEE) for the year 2020. The examination is been postponed by the authorities as per the guidelines issued by the University Grants Com....[POST ON: 2020-05-19]
IIM Lucknow Recruitment 2020 :Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow has invited online applications from the suitable candidates for the recruitment posts such as Academic Assistant and Academic Associate. So interested candidates can apply the application form by visiting the official website of institute. Last Date to submit the applica....[POST ON: 2020-05-19]
RCB Recruitment 2020 updated on May 19, 2020 .Regional Center of Biotechnology (RCB) has invited online application from eligible candidates to fill up 24 Vacancies out of which 19 vacancies is allotted for project and management unit and remaining 6 vacancies allotted for Biosafety support unit. Interested applicants can apply the applica....[POST ON: 2020-05-19]
LHMC Recruitment 2020 Jobs Vacancy -Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi looking to hire the eligible candidates for Medical Domain post. As per the Notice totally 27 vacancies are available in several domains such as Medical Social Welfare Officer, X-Ray Technician, Data Entry (Technician), Nursing Attendant and still more. So candid....[POST ON: 2020-05-19]
Last Date is Extended to submit the application form for Technical & Non-Technical Posts. Central Institutes of Plastics Engineering and Technology (CIPET) has released the notice regarding the extension of last date to submit the application form due to COVID-19 lockdown situation. The recruitment drive has been organized to fill up 57 v....[POST ON: 2020-05-03]
State Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced to provide online GATE coaching for the engineering aspirants in collaboration with APSCHE. Along with the collaboration with Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE), State Government of Andhra Pradesh has decide to provide online coaching for the preparation for GATE entranc....[POST ON: 2020-05-01]
UGC also known as University Grants Commission has announced few guidelines for the academic year. Due to the nationwide lockdown the education system of the nation has disturbed along with the other sectors. Hence the University Grants commission has brought certain guidelines for this academic year. The new guidelines and the ac....[POST ON: 2020-05-01]
The online examination forms has been released by Delhi University for the term end examination due to amid of corona virus lockdown. Delhi University aspirants, the university has announced the semester term end examination to be conducted online for the month of May - June. The university has released the online examination form for the mon....[POST ON: 2020-04-30]
Due to the Covid-19 Lockdown, Many Educational Institutes conducting online classes and also in some of the colleges conducting online examinations as an exertion to be academically fair. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) started conducting mid-semester exams through online mode. Regarding this vice chancellor of JNU M. Jagadesh Kumar ....[POST ON: 2020-04-28]
The Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Division is mainly in charge for the execution of several central & State funded and exterior aided schemes for the poverty mitigation, women empowerment employment generation, Tsunami rehabilitation, Sanitation, employment generation, sanitation, capacity building, women’s social and economic em....[POST ON: 2020-04-27]
The online classes has begun from 1st of April 2020 by Indian Institute of Technology. The management has declared that this semester classes will be completed within 3rd of May 2020 or shortly. The institute has announced that the final year students and research students will have to return to the classes in the 3rd week of May 2020. Acc....[POST ON: 2020-01-09]
With 22 percent rise in average salary in placements, IFIM Business School successfully places 100 percent students through Industry Internship Program. IFIM Business School is proud to announce 100% internship cum placements for its 23rd batch PGDM 2018 – 2020. A total of 159 companies participated in the program for 261 grad....[POST ON: 2019-11-08]
All the details related to JEE Advanced will be available at “” website from now. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi has launched a new website for JEE Advanced 2020. All the details related to JEE Advanced can be retrieved through this newly formed website. The information related to JEE Advanced 2020 can....[POST ON: 2019-11-07]
The JEE Mains 2020 application from for Jammu and Kashmir students are extended by NTA till 8th of November 2019. National Testing Agency has announced that the registration dates for JEE Main 2020 examination dates are been extended for the Jammu and Kashmir students till 8th November 2019. The online JEE Mains application form wil....[POST ON: 2019-10-16]
Highlights for Maharashtra board students, the 12th class board examination registration has begun and the registration process will conclude on 23rd of October 2019. The educational board of Maharashtra has let out the registration dates for class 12th examination. The registration for the examination is supposed to begun from 3rd ....[POST ON: 2019-10-11]
Extension of deadline for term end examination (TEE) highlights for IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) applicants. Indira Gandhi National Open University has declared regarding the extension of December term end examination form. For now the applicants willing to register for December term end examination can be re....[POST ON: 2019-09-27]
MBA being the most chosen academic study in India and abroad, its preparation tips has remained at prime focus. Most of the national level competitive entrance examination like CAT, XAT, MAT and CMAT has common sections like Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability. Despite those common sections,....[POST ON: 2019-08-16]
According to the sources the results for various UG and PG degree program as at Bangalore University are to be declared on 26th July 2019. The results will be announced through Bangalore University’s official website. Candidates appeared for the UG and PG degree program at Bangalore University can except their results to be made ....