Education News & Articles
[POST ON: 2020-09-25]
Defence Research & Development Organization, Defence Food Research Laboratory (DRDO DFRL) has been published the official notification DRDO DFRL Recruitment 2020.Candidates who are interested and eligible for DRDO DFRL recruitment can submit the application form via mail ID before the last date. DRDO DFRL Recruitment drive is happening to hi....[POST ON: 2020-09-25]
Sri Krishnadevaraya University has been released the AP LAWCET 2020 admit card via online mode on its official website ( on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education. Applicants who have registered successfully can download the admit card by entering their registration number and date of birth details. The ....[POST ON: 2020-09-25]
National Testing Agency (NTA) has re-opened once again NEET 2020 application form correction window on 23rd September 2020. Hence, registered candidates who wish to edit/modify the details in application form can make it till 30th September 2020 with in 5:00 PM. Candidates need to login for the applicant portal via online mode by entering their ....[POST ON: 2020-09-24]
Jharkhand Rural Health Mission Society has been invited applications from the eligible candidates for the JRHMS Recruitment 2020.MBBS graduates who were looking to apply for the Latest Jharkhand Government Jobs 2020 in Medical Domain can make use of this opportunity. JRHMS Recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up 357 vacancies in Medical ....[POST ON: 2020-09-24]
Directorate of Technical Education, Assam announced the revised examinations dates for Assam PAT 2020.As per the notified schedule, Assam PAT 2020 entrance exam will be conducted on 3rd October 2020.Previously, the examination was supposed to be conducted on 9th July 2020 and again it got postponed to 9th August due to ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic ....[POST ON: 2020-09-24]
Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam has been released the Admit Cards for AP PGECET 2020 entrance examination. The admit cards are made available at the official website (@ Candidates who have submitted the application form successfully with in the last date only such candidates are eligible to access the admit card via onl....[POST ON: 2020-09-22]
National Council of Educational Research and Training has published the official notification regarding NCERT Recruitment 2020.NCERT organizations looking for the suitable candidates in order to recruit for the available vacancies in Junior Project, Visual Analyzer, Lab Assistant Posts. Interested and eligible candidates can apply the applicatio....[POST ON: 2020-09-22]
Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association extended the last date to submit the application form for KMAT 2020.Online registration window will be functioning till 30th September 2020.Earlier, KMAT 2020 application process started from 9th June 2020.KMAT 2020 application forms are made available at the official website (@[POST ON: 2020-09-22]
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi has been released the JEE Advanced 2020 admit card via online mode on its official website (@ Candidates who have registered successfully for the JEE advanced entrance exam can now access the JEE advanced 2020 admit card by logging to their registered account by using the credentials namely JE....[POST ON: 2020-09-21]
DHFW Punjab Recruitment 2020: Apply online for 40 Medical Officer Vacancies Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Punjab released the official notification pertaining DHFW Punjab Recruitment 2020.The DHFW organization have been invited the application forms from the suitable candidates for the available Medical Officer vacancies in DHFW Pu....[POST ON: 2020-09-21]
Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) has been released the notification on its official website regarding DCECE 2020 examination schedule. As per the latest updates, DCECE 2020 entrance examination will be conducted between 31st October to 1st November 2020 in offline mode (pen-paper based). Along with DCECE 2020 exam d....[POST ON: 2020-09-20]
NHM Madhya Pradesh Recruitment 2020: Apply online for 3800 Community Health Officer (CHO) vacancies National Health Mission, Madhya Pradesh released the official notification on its web portal regarding the NHM MP Recruitment 2020. It has invited online applications from the suitable candidates in order to recruit for the community health off....[POST ON: 2020-09-20]
Karnataka Examination Authority have announced the revised examination schedule. As per the latest schedule, KPGCET 2020 entrance examination will be conducted on 13th & 14th October 2020.Previously the entrance examination was scheduled to be conducted on 8th & 9th August 2020 but due to on going COVID-19 pandemic and due to the clashes....[POST ON: 2020-09-20]
AP PGECET 2020: Last date is extended to submit the application form with late fees Andhra University, Visakhapatnam has been released the official notification regarding the extension of last date for the submission of AP PGECET 2020 application form. Candidates can now apply the application form till 23rd September 2020 with late fees. App....[POST ON: 2020-09-19]
SBI Recruitment 2020: Apply online for 92 Specialist Circle Officer Vacancies. State Bank of India invited online applications for the SBI Recruitment 2020.SBI organization is looking for the eligible candidates in order to fill up 92 vacancies which are available for the Specialist Circle Officer Post. SBI Recruitment 2020 application proces....[POST ON: 2020-09-19]
NGRI Recruitment 2020: Apply Online for 66 Vacancies National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad has declared the official notification regarding NGRI Recruitment 2020.Job aspirants who are seeking to apply the application form for Hyderabad Government Jobs can make use of this opportunity. NGRI Recruitment drive is conducted to....[POST ON: 2020-09-19]
Osmania University CPGET 2020: Application Process begins Osmania University commenced the application process for CPGET 2020 from 18th September 2020.CPGET (Common Post Graduate Entrance Test) was previously known as OUCET (Osmania University. Interested and eligible candidates can submit the application form via online mode with in the las....[POST ON: 2020-09-18]
DGCA Recruitment 2020: Apply for 40 Vacancies Directorate General of Civil Aviation invited applications for the DGCA Recruitment 2020.The DGCA organization is looking for the suitable candidates in order to recruit for the available vacancies in Chief Flight Operations Inspector, Senior Flight Operations Inspector, Flight Operations Inspecto....[POST ON: 2020-09-18]
AILET 2020: Admit Card Released National Law University (NLU), Delhi has been released the AILET 2020 Admit Card for the LLM, BA-LLB and for the Ph.D. programmes. Successfully registered candidates can now download the AILET 2020 admit card by logging to the official website (@ Candidates required to enter their name, AILET ....[POST ON: 2020-09-18]
SNAP 2020: registration Process will begin from 23rd September Symbiosis International Deemed University, Pune will commence the registration process for SNAP 2020 from 23rd September 2020.Intrested and eligible candidates can register themselves via online mode by visiting the respective website (@ required to submi....