Education News & Articles
[POST ON: 2020-11-22]
The Punjab Postal Circle (PPC) has for online application for the posts of Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) in capacities such Branch Postmaster, Asst Branch Postmaster and Dak Sevak. PPC Recruitment 2020 provides 516 GDS Vacancies for the interested and eligible candidates. Application forms are made available online at the official website of Punjab Pos....[POST ON: 2020-11-21]
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has invited official notification for the Assistant Registrar and Security Officer posts. Number of vacancies available for IGNOU Recruitment 2020 are 22 and the candidates who are interested and eligible can apply online for IGNOU Recruitment 2020 through the application format on or before 10 Dece....[POST ON: 2020-11-21]
Haryana Space Application Center (HARSAC) declared the official notification regarding HARSAC Recruitment 2020. The posts available for HARSAC Recruitment 2020 are Project Fellow, Research Associate III, Junior Project Assistant Posts with the total of 46 vacancies. Candidates seeking HARSAC Openings 2020 can apply offline on or before the ....[POST ON: 2020-11-21]
UPPCL JE Recruitment 2020: Apply online for 212 Junior Engineer JE Electronics / Telecommunication vacancies Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) declared the official notification regarding UPPCL JE Recruitment 2020. Number of vacancies available for UPPCL JE Recruitment 2020 are 212 and the candidates are requires to apply via on....[POST ON: 2020-11-21]
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Entrance Examination also short termed as KIITEE is online based computer exam test which will be conducted every year. As KIIT institute is awarded with rank A by the NAAC team. The program provided by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology is very much updated and matches the competition level of ....[POST ON: 2020-11-20]
Lucknow University will begin the counselling session for UP B.Ed. JEE 2020 based on UP JEE B.Ed. 2020 Result. Candidates who have qualified in the entrance exam can now register for UP B.Ed. counselling session by logging to the official website (@ through online mode. Candidates who have been allotted JEE B.Ed. Rank between 1 to....[POST ON: 2020-11-20]
Medical Counselling Committee has postponed the NEET 2020 Counselling registration process for round-2. As per the revised schedule, the registration process for NEET counselling will commence from 20th November 2020. Last date to register for NEET Counselling is 23rd November 2020.Earlier, it was supposed to be begin from 18th November 2020 but....[POST ON: 2020-11-20]
The institutes of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) have announced the examination schedule for ICAI CA Cycle-II / January Session on its official website in online mode ( As per the new notification, ICAI-CA Cycle-2 will be conducted from 21st January 2021 onwards. Previously, ICAI has introduced an “opt out” scheme fo....[POST ON: 2020-11-20]
According to the latest updates, the official notice for JEE Main 2021 January examination will be released soon by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The concerned authorities will release the information brochure along with JEE Main 2021 registration dates on its official website in online mode ( Due to the ongoing COVID-1....[POST ON: 2020-11-20]
ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education has proclaimed that IBSAT 2020 examination will be held in online mode-home proctored computer-based test. Hence, candidates can attend the entrance exam from their comfort home itself and it is not required to visit any of the exam centre. As per the prescribed schedule, the IBSAT 2020 entrance examination ....[POST ON: 2020-11-20]
The Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Goa released the official notification pertaining the examination schedule for GCET 2021. According to the notified schedule, GCET 2021 will be held on 4th & 5th May 2021.It is important to note, candidates who are willing secure admission for B Pharm course, must appear for Mathematics e....[POST ON: 2020-11-19]
Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur will be releasing the XAT 2021 admit card on 30th December 2020 on its official website in online mode ( Candidates who have been registered successfully for the XAT 2021 examination can access the admit card by using their login credentials such as XAT registration ID and Password. XAT admi....[POST ON: 2020-11-19]
BCECEB has been released the Bihar NEET Counselling Schedule 2020 along with the Bihar NEET Merit List 2020 and UGMAC Rank Cards on its official website via online mode. In order access the rank cards and merit list, candidates required to log for the respective portal and must use their login ID and password. This will help the candidates to se....[POST ON: 2020-11-19]
Symbiosis International (Deemed University) has been started the slot booking for SNAP 2020 mock test second round. Interested candidates can book their preference slot for SNAP 2020 mock test and it can be done till 22nd November 2020.In order to book the slot for mock test, candidates must log on for their respective portal and must use their ....[POST ON: 2020-11-19]
Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) has been started the registration process for PECE 2020 counselling from 17th November 2020.Candidates whose name featured in the Jharkhand PECE 2020 Merit List are eligible to take part in the counselling session. Previously, the merit list was declared on 14th November 2020.Eli....[POST ON: 2020-11-19]
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay) has reopened the GATE 2021 application correction window on 17th November 2020. Already registered candidates who are willing to make some corrections in the details pertaining University/College Name, Contact Address, Date of Birth. Such candidates can make modify their details by logging to the GOAPS....[POST ON: 2020-11-17]
All India Institute of Management (AIMA) will release the admit card for MAT 2020 IBT mode-December session on its official website (@ in online mode. Candidates who registered successful for MAT 2020 examination for IBT mode (Internet Based Test) can avail the admit card from 18th November 2020.In order to access the admit card, al....[POST ON: 2020-11-17]
Directorate General of Health Sciences (DGHS) on behalf of Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) will begin the NEET Counselling 2020 registration process for round 2 from 18th November 2020. Eligible candidates can register for Round-2 NEET Counselling till 22nd November 2020 (3:00 PM). It must be noted, NEET 2020 Counselling is being held in onl....[POST ON: 2020-11-17]
KEA (Karnataka Examination Authority) has released the Karnataka PGCET 2020 Admit Card for the M Pharm and Pharm D Courses. Admit Cards are made available at the official website, hence candidates who have been registered successfully for KPGCET 2020 entrance exam are eligible to access the admit card by logging to the official website (@ cetonl....[POST ON: 2020-11-17]
Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) has been released the schedule for CSAB 2020 special round registration, which is held to provide admission into B Tech course which are offered by NITs, IITs and GFTIs. Through CSAB score, applicants can apply for the vacant seats which are available at the participating institutes. CSAB 2020 online registra....