Education News & Articles
[POST ON: 2020-12-28]
O.P. Jindal Global University has launched seven new academic programmes for the year 2021 session admissions. The university also inaugurated its 10th school i.e. Jindal School of Psychology & Counselling (JPSC). The seven new programmes have been introduced for the first time in India for PG Diploma in Data Journalism by O. P. Jindal Globa....[POST ON: 2020-12-27]
Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT CET) 2020 hall ticket for additional sessions has been released by The State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra. The additional sessions of the examination is scheduled to be held on November 7, 2020. Candidates of PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and PCB (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) group....[POST ON: 2020-12-27]
For admission to NMIMS University and other reputed B-Schools in India, Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) conducts NMAT entrance test. NMAT 2020 exam starts from November 4. There are changes made in the exam pattern considering the various aspects which is included by GMAC. There are modifications done by GMAC in the number of que....[POST ON: 2020-12-25]
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has begun its registration process for CMAT 2021 via online mode. Along with the CMAT application form, NTA has stated few changes with regard to CMAT 2021 examination. In the view of COVID-19, the number of examination centers has also been increased. In 2021 CMAT will be held in two days and two shift, as per ....[POST ON: 2020-12-25]
National Testing Agency (NTA) is the conducting body of CMAT 2021 which has announced its official guidelines and exam day instructions for the Common Management Aptitude Test (CMAT) test scheduled on February 22 and February 27, 2021. According to the NTA guidelines, candidates are prohibited from carrying any kind of electronic gadgets to the ....[POST ON: 2020-12-25]
Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA), Ahmedabad, has announced their phase 1 result on the official website. Candidates who had appeared for the exam can check their Result of MICAT Phase 1 2021 online at Meanwhile, Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad, is all ready to organize the second phase of MICA....[POST ON: 2020-12-25]
The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi has announced the INI CET 2021 counselling round 1 result at and have also released their allotment letters of the qualified students INI CET counselling round 1 result 2021 has been published on the official website Along with the counsel....[POST ON: 2020-12-25]
National Testing Agency (NTA), the conducting authority of CMAT 2021 has released the application form via online mode on the official website from 23 December 2020. The last date to register for CMAT 2021 is January 22, 2021, and candidates can pay the fees till January 23, 2021. The NTA will avail the correction window for CMAT registration fo....[POST ON: 2020-12-24]
Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University Released result 2020: Check for Exam result, Examination schedule, Admit card Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU) provides results for various UG and PG courses offered in affiliated Colleges. The university also provides Latest Exam and Result updates, Main Exam Results, Pr....[POST ON: 2020-12-24]
GNDU Result 2020: Date Sheet, Semester Undergraduate, Entrance Exam Results Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) Result for 2019 May Examination has been released. Candidates who have appeared for exam can check the result online by entering their roll number. The university will provide Final marks in Detailed Mark sheet. Candidates ca....[POST ON: 2020-12-24]
Shobhit University (SU) released results for Meerut 2020. The university conducts semester exam twice a year that is even semester and odd semester. Candidates can also check Exam schedule, semester grade sheet, Distance Education Result. Candidates can visit the official website of the university to check details about xam date, the lat....[POST ON: 2020-12-24]
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released Result for JNUEE on December 21, 2020. Candidates who had appeared for the entrance exam conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) will be able to check their JNUEE result on its official website. The University conducted JNUEE 2020 exams on October 5-8, 2020.....[POST ON: 2020-12-22]
The University of Tripura has offered various Postgraduate courses on campus and colleges affiliated with Tripura University. The University of Tripura has been following a semester-based exam system and time-to-time internal assessment for university students. On the official website of Tripura University, students can check semester results....[POST ON: 2020-12-22]
Sathyabama University (SU) has released results for both Entrance exam & Term end exam results on their official website. Candidates who have appeared to the exam can check their result on the official page. The university conducts examination twice in an academic year. Sathyabama University releases its results few days after con....[POST ON: 2020-12-22]
University of Babu Banarasi Das examination results are out and students can download by logging in university portal by providing the required credentials. Babu Banarasi Das University Odd Semester Examination Result (2020-2021) has been declared. Students can check Babu Banarasi Das University Result links in the given article. The Universi....[POST ON: 2020-12-22]
VELS University releases result for BA, B.Tech., B.Sc, B.Com, MBA, LLB, BCA, B.Ed, M.Tech, M.Pharma and some other Postgraduate Diploma and Certification courses results on its official website. Students who have attempted for exam can check their result by providing the registration number. The university is also providin....[POST ON: 2020-12-22]
On December 20, 2020 University of Kashmir (KU) and the Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE) to increase awareness on rural management courses in Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh have jointly organized an online workshop. The one day workshop was organized in collaboration with the University Of Kashm....[POST ON: 2020-12-22]
University of Himachal Pradesh (HPU), Shimla is offering various courses like BAMS, BBA, BCA, LLB, BED, M.Com, MA, MBA, MTA, MBBS, BDS, BA, B.Com, B.Sc, M.Phil, LLM and many more. University of Himachal Pradesh (HPU), Shimla conducts exams in both semester format and annual format for different courses. On the official website of University of ....[POST ON: 2020-12-22]
The University of Madars released the time table for examination schedule. Applicants who are appearing for exam will have to visit the official website of MU. Students can check their Time Table to know exam dates, time, day, subject name, subject code, and the schedules for submitting the exam forms on the UNOM website. Candidates will have to....[POST ON: 2020-12-22]
PES UniversityBegins Registration for PESSAT 2021 PES University, Bangalore Begins online registration process for PES Scholastic Aptitude Test (PESSAT) 2021 from December 20, at its official application portal of the university. The tentative schedule has also released by the university for admission in the 2021-22 session. Candidates who....