Education News & Articles
[POST ON: 2021-02-03]
The 2021 Law School Admission Test (LSAT) of India is tentative to be held on March 25 and for which the registration process has begun LSAC announced that on February 2, 2021. All the aspiring candidates willing to pursue Law studies in India can register themselves for LSAT 2021 by visiting their official webpage. The final date to apply/ regi....[POST ON: 2021-02-03]
The Management course offered at Xavier University, Bhubhaneshwar, is of both UG and PG levels and provides Ph.D. and Doctorate programs with expertise in learning and technically advanced opportunities. Xavier's management program is among the various other degrees under Xavier University's constituent. Some of the well-....[POST ON: 2021-02-02]
IRMA PGDM (RM) to reopen its application and announced scholarships worth INR 1.17 crore The Institute of Rural Management Anand, shortly called IRMA, announced 20 scholarships worth INR 1.17 crore based on merit for their upcoming academic batch 2021-23 (42nd batch), which offers their most recommended program, i.e., Diploma course in Rural ....[POST ON: 2021-02-02]
IFIM College in Bangalore started its registration procedure for its PG level management program, and that is a two year full-time and on-campus program for the academic year of 2021-23. Some of the management core specialization subjects offered by this college are as below, and the amount of fees for the entire program is INR 9 Lakhs ....[POST ON: 2021-02-02]
In Bangalore, a management school called Krupanidhi School of Management (KSM) has begun its MBA and PGDM courses full-time, and the admissions for the 2021 batch is live now in both online and offline mode. The online application can be by visiting-; if not, the candidate can see the college directly and fill in the application form.....[POST ON: 2021-02-02]
According to the timetable, JEE Main 2021 is from February 23rd to 26th. The conducting authority will be releasing the admit card by the end of the second week of Feb. JEE is the most common exam for engineering admissions in any of the Tech colleges in India. The candidates' scores in JEE will increase their chances of getting enrolled for....[POST ON: 2021-02-02]
NEET is a standard open gate exam for aspiring medical students, widely accepted by many colleges across the country. NEET 2021 is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) that has come up with new rules and exam patterns amid the COVID situation. All the details regarding the new exam pattern will be on the website. These new NEET 2021 will g....[POST ON: 2021-02-02]
The CMAT 2021 exam is conducted via online mode (CBT) scheduled for two shifts on Feb 22 &27 of 2021. NTA, the conducting body of CMAT 2021, has made the application form correction window live to make the changes and resubmit it again. This window is accessible for two days, i.e., Feb 1 & 2 of 2021, where the registered students can cha....[POST ON: 2021-02-01]
The private management school called FORE in New Delhi has come up with their FPM program, i.e., Fellow Program in Management (FPM), which is now full-time and is approved by AICTE. The institute has already started the application process, and the late date for the students to register themselves is by February 8, 2021. This program's main ....[POST ON: 2021-02-01]
The application forms of BITS Pilani for the MBA program are live for 2021-2022. The BITS application form is available only in an online format, and the students can check their website for the application link. The last date for BITS application form submission is by February 25, 2021. Eligibility criteria for applying The stud....[POST ON: 2021-02-01]
As per the timetable- GATE 2021 exam is conducted on Feb 6, 7, 13 & 14, 2021. As the exam dates are nearing, IIT Bombay has laid out some essential instructions for both students and staff while conducting the exam in terms of their safety measures. This set of regulations will enhance the chances of getting better scores and ranking in GATE....[POST ON: 2021-02-01]
TANCET is the entrance exam conducted by Tamil Nadu state for the students to get admissions in any private or public institute affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. This exam is for career courses like PG Management programs, MCA, B-Tech or M-Tech Engineering programs, MBA, M.Arch, and M-Plan programs provided by any regional engineering camp....[POST ON: 2021-02-01]
Maharashtra State cell of Common Entrance Test will begin its institutional round of counseling for the B-Tech program from February 05, 21 for 2020-21. Commonly, MH-CET counseling has three rounds conducted by CAP. Still, for this year, one of the counseling rounds had to be canceled, and recently, the University or institute level of counselin....[POST ON: 2021-02-01]
According to the latest update, both the Karnataka PU board and KEA- Karnataka Education Authority have confirmed to come together for a meeting and discuss the syllabus reduction for KCET 2021. KEA is the conducting body of KCET, and this acts as the screening or the entrance test to get admissions for UG course in any of the public or priva....[POST ON: 2021-01-10]
NMAT 2021: Second phase exam registration has been Extended till Jan 31, Exam conducted in Feb The second phase of NMAT 2021 is said to be held from February 2 – 8, 2021. This phase of examination is conducted so that it can provide another opportunity for those candidates who could not take part in the first phase which was conducted i....[POST ON: 2021-01-10]
OJEE 2020: Counseling will be commencing from Jan 12th 2021 Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) organized by OJEE Committee is a state-level entrance test which is held annually to get admissions into both private and public institutions of Management, Engineering and also Medical in Odisha state. The OJEE counseling committee will be....[POST ON: 2021-01-10]
The Karnataka state government will be conducting the final round of vacancy for the Karnataka UG CET 2020 so as to fill in the vacant seats which were not filled in the completion of second round of seat allotment process according to the report. The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) which is the conducting authority will shortly announc....[POST ON: 2021-01-10]
Education Minister announced the exam dates for JEE Advanced 2021 in a webinar that took place on Jan 7th 2021. JEE Advanced is a common eligibility test to get admissions for undergraduate Engineering courses in amongst 23 IITS that are located across the country. According to the latest update made by the Education-Minister, the JEE Advanced e....[POST ON: 2021-01-10]
On January 8, 2021 IIT Bombay- the conducting body of GATE 2021 released their on their official webpage of examination. The candidates appearing for the exam will have to download their respective admit cards via exam website. The admit card is a very essential aspect of the exam and it is mandatory for all the candidates who are taking up the ....[POST ON: 2021-01-10]
Sri Venkateswara University (SUV) has announced the results of off and even semester on their official page. The University offers PG and UG courses with various specializations . Students who have attempted for odd semester exam that was conducted in month of Nov and Dec can check their result on the SVU official website. Along with sem results....