Education News & Articles
[POST ON: 2021-08-03]
CLAT 2021: Second round of seat allotment will be released on 09 August 2021. NLU conducts the CLAT exam, and their first round of seat allocation was released on 01 August 2021. The students have time till 05 August 2021 at 5 pm to accept the first round of seat allotment results. The students who have got their seat allotment in the first r....[POST ON: 2021-08-03]
Exam dates for CAT 2021 announced; registrations to begin from August 4, 2021 The CAT- Common Admission Test is a competitive exam under the national level that IIM organises. CAT is mainly taken up by students willing to join management courses at PG levels like MBA or PGDM programs. Many of the top management institutes in India will consider....[POST ON: 2021-08-01]
According to the latest updates, AP EAMCET is now changed and is newly called AP EAPCET conducted and organized by JNTUK-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada. As per the reports, they have revised the exam dates for the year 2021 academic year. The fixed dates of AP EAPCET are from August 19, 20, 23, 24 and 25. AP EAPCET is a state....[POST ON: 2021-08-01]
The results of the third session of JEE Main 2021 is likely to be expected in the first week of August 2021 JEE Main is a national-level entrance exam conducted by The National Testing Agency, where the scores of JEE Main is especially for the engineering B-Tech program. This exam is conducted in four sessions, where the two sessions in 2021 ar....[POST ON: 2021-08-01]
TS ICET is a state-level entrance exam conducted by the Kakatiya University of Warangal with the support of TSCHE-Telangana State Council of Higher Education acting as the selection eligibility for PG admissions in any college Telangana state. The registration for TS ICET 2021 without paying the late fees is closed on July 30, 2021. But still, t....[POST ON: 2021-08-01]
The Admit card for TS PGECET will be released on August 01, 2021. TS PGECET is a state-level entrance exam conducted by TSCHE-Telangana State Council of Higher Education acting as the selection criteria for PG admissions in Telangana state colleges. TSCHE will be releasing the admit card or the hall ticket for TS PGECET on 01 August 2021 ....[POST ON: 2021-07-11]
Bharati Vidyapeeth University has extended the last Date for the submission of BVP CET 2021 application forms. Along with the extension dates, BVU notified the revised exam dates of BVP CET 2021. The examination will be held in two phases. BVP CET 2021 Phase 1 is scheduled to be conducted on 28th July 2021. While Phase 2 will be held on 11th Aug....[POST ON: 2021-07-11]
NIT Raipur commenced the revised exam dates for NIMCET 2021. As per the notified schedule, NIT will conduct NIMCET on 7th August 2021.( Saturday) The exam will be held between 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Previously, the exam was supposed to be held on 23rd May 2021. However, due to the second wave COVID-19 crisis, NIT decided to postpone further. The e....[POST ON: 2021-07-09]
AIMA started the MAT 2021 Registration Process for September Session. Candidates seeking to appear for MAT 2021 September Session can fill the MAT 201 application form through the official website. (@ The mode of the MAT application process is online only. There is no provision for the offline application process. The....[POST ON: 2021-07-09]
NTA released the exam schedule for JEE Main 2021 Phase 3 and 4. As per the schedule, NTA will conduct the JEE Main Phase 3 exam between 20th to 25th July 2021. Whereas, Phase 4 exam will be held from 27th July to 2nd August 2021. The exam takes place by following all the COVID Protocols. Earlier, the Phase 3 & 4 examination was scheduled to ....[POST ON: 2021-06-24]
PES University Bangalore announced the exam date for PESSAT 2021. As per the announcement made, PESSAT 2021 will takes place from 30th July to 20th August 2021. The PESSAT 2021 application process is ongoing. The final date to fill the application form is 25th July 2021 for Outside Bangalore. At the same time, students who stay in Bangalore can ....[POST ON: 2021-06-24]
Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management announced the Exam Dates for GITAM GAT 2021 Phase 3 entrance exam. As per the schedule, the GITAM GAT Phase 3 exam takes place on 7th and 8th July 2021 in online proctored mode. Candidates can appear for the entrance exam from their comfort home. Earlier, the GITAM GAT entrance exam was supposed to b....[POST ON: 2021-06-24]
As per the official notice, TSCHE has extended the last date for TS ICET 2021 Registration Process. Now, applicants will be able to fill TS ICET 2021 Application form till 30th June 2021 without any late fees. To fill the form online, applicants must visit the official web portal of TSCHE. (@ Even the authority has extended th....[POST ON: 2021-06-24]
The Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka announced the revised examination date for COMEDK 2021. As per the notified schedule, COMEDK 2021 will be held on 14th September 2021. Earlier, the exam was supposed to be conducted on 20th June 2020. Due to COVID 19 crisis, the consortium decided to postpone further. ....[POST ON: 2021-06-24]
UPSEE (UPCET) MBA 2021: Registration Date Extended National Testing Agency has renamed UPSEE to UPCET. (Uttar Pradesh Combined Entrance Exam) As per the official notice stated by NTA, the UPSEE MBA 2021 registration date has been extended till 6th July 2021. Earlier, the last date to register was supposed to be on 20th June 2021. Keeping in ....[POST ON: 2021-06-24]
WBJEEB has commenced the revised Exam Schedule for WBJEE 2021. According to the schedule, WBJEE will be held on 17th July 2021. (Saturday) Earlier, WBJEE 2021 was supposed to be conducted on 11th July 2021. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions, the exam has been postponed. The mode of examination is offline. Applicants who registered suc....[POST ON: 2021-06-24]
GSHSEB has released the GUJCET 2021 Application forms on 23rd June 2021. Applicants who full fill GUJCET 2021 Eligibility Criteria can apply till 30th June 2021. The mode of application is online. There is no provision for submitting offline forms. Applicants have to visit the official web portal of GSEB to fill in the form. Most importantly, su....[POST ON: 2021-06-24]
DTE Maharashtra has officially announced the schedule for MAH MBA CET 2021 Registration Process. As per the notified schedule, the registration has started on 22nd June 2021. Whereas the last date to register is 17th July 2021. The mode of registration is online. Applicants willing to secure admission to the MBA have to visit the official websit....[POST ON: 2021-06-19]
Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) started the Application Process for KCET 2021 on 15th June 2021. Applicants can fill the KCET application form by 13th July 2021. The mode of the application procedure is online. Applicants have to visit the official web portal of KEA to apply online. In addition, there is a time limit to submit the form wit....[POST ON: 2021-03-27]
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT University) commenced the application process for UG & PG admission 2021-22. Applicants seeking admission in B.Sc., B.Com, MBA, MCA, and M Tech courses can either apply offline or online by logging into University's official web portal. Candidates must satisfy the eligibility requirements before proce....