IGNOU Distance MBA / MCA Fee Structure

Total program fee for the Distance MBA course is Rs 62,000 that can be distributed as Rs15500/- for each semester. Further more Information will be provided on fee structure for Distance MBA and Distance MCA as well.


IGNOU MBA Fee Per Semester (in INR)

MBA (under ODL format)

- 15,500 each for 1st, 2nd and 4th semester

- 17,500 for 3rd semester

MBA (Online Learning)

- 15,500 for each semester

MBA in Business and Finance

- 15,500 for each semester

MBA in Financial Management

- 15,500 each for 1st, 2nd and 4th semester

- 17,500 for 3rd semester

MBA in Human Resources Management

- 15,500 each for 1st, 2nd and 4th semester

- 17,500 for 3rd semester

MBA in Marketing Management

- 15,500 each for 1st, 2nd and 4th semester

- 17,500 for 3rd semester

MBA in Operations Management

- 15,500 each for 1st, 2nd and 4th semester

- 17,500 for 3rd semester

IGNOU Distance MCA Program Fee Structure

  • For the Entire Distance MCA Program, the fee costs Rs.54000.
  • That has to paid semester wise at Rs.9000/- per semester.
  • Non Maths candidates must pay Rs.1200/- additional in the first semester.