Top MBA Colleges in Bihar Accepting IBSAT Score

ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test (IBSAT) Admission

ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test

ICFAI Foundation conducts the ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test or IBSAT, every year for students who are willing to seek admission to PGPM and MBA programs offered by different ICFAI business schools. ICFAI has different Kolkata, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Gurgaon, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Dehradun campuses. This entrance examination has....Read More

List of 1 MBA Colleges in Bihar Admission through IBSAT Score

Alphia Institute of Business Management

Alphia Institute of Business Management

Alphia Institute of Business Management was established in 2008, which belongs to the Alphia Development Academy academy located in Patna, Bihar. A...

>> Master of Business Administration