Top Engineering Colleges in Prakasam Accepting CET Score

Common Entrance Test (CET) Admission

Common Entrance Test

The Common Entrance Test (CET) is a state level competitive exam conducted for admission of students to the first year full-time courses in Management, engineering and others courses in professional colleges the various states of India. The colleges in the state offering such courses are affiliated with the state run universities an....Read More

List of 2 Engineering Colleges in Prakasam Admission through CET Score

Rise Krishna Sai Gandhi Group of Institutions

Rise Krishna Sai Gandhi Group of Institutions

Ongole's, RISE Groups of Institutions (RISEGI) was founded in 2009. RISE has two distinct groupings of institutions: the RISE Gandhi Group of I...

>> Bachelor of Engineering/Technology (B.E/B.Tech) | Fees : Rs. 180000

Indira Institutes of Technology and Sciences

Indira Institutes of Technology and Sciences

IITM is located in Prakasam in Andhra Pradesh and has been functioning since 2009; and it is a private college that has secured approvals from AICT...

>> Bachelor of Engineering/Technology (B.E/B.Tech) | Fees : Rs. 140000