Top Engineering Colleges in Lucknow Accepting CET Score

Common Entrance Test (CET) Admission

Common Entrance Test

The Common Entrance Test (CET) 2025 is a state level competitive exam conducted for admission of students to the first year full-time courses in Management, engineering and others courses in professional colleges the various states of India. The colleges in the state offering such courses are affiliated with the state run universiti....Read More

List of 1 Engineering Colleges in Lucknow Admission through CET Score

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

The Institute is named as one of the largest University in Asia in the field of technical education. AKTU is formally known as Uttar Pradesh Techni...

>> Bachelor of Engineering/Technology (B.E/B.Tech) | Fees : Rs. 410000