Pune Institute of Computer Technology (PICT) has dissimilar hostel facilities for boys and girls. It has a total of 173 seats for students. There are all the essentials to make students feel secure. This hostel has modern features and easily accessible for students studying at PICT.
Hostel admission must be applied during the admission process. Rooms will be allocated based on the availability. Priority will be given to 1st years students. A deposit of Rs. 15,000 is required at the time of admission. Rooms will be allocated for the entire academic year.
Only students who have enrolled in full-time UG or PG programs at PICT Pune are eligible for wholesale accommodation. Rooms will be allocated based on the academic year. Students have to follow hostel guidelines and policies by the PICT hostel administration.
Check below the PICT Pune Hostel Fees Structure for both girl's and boys.
Category |
Double Occupancy (Attached WC) |
Double Occupancy (Common WC) |
Refundable Deposit |
Girls Hostel (106 Rooms) |
Rs. 1,25,000 |
Rs. 1,15,000 |
Rs. 15,000 |
Boys Hostel (67 Rooms) |
Rs. 1,25,000 |
Rs. 1,15,000 |
Rs. 15,000 |
020 - 24371101
Sr. No 27, Pune-Satara Road , Dhankawadi, , Pune, Maharashtra, India
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 129000 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 171846 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 175000 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 780000 |
>> Master of Business Administration |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 166000 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 344000 |