Dream Zone School of Animation (DZSA) is a private college which was started in the year 2005. The aim of the college is to provide the students with computer based and traditional education with the current techniques and concepts. The students are regularly provided with industrial exposure which helps them to improve with their innovative and creative thinking which is required for the present corporate world. The students are trained in such a way they have the basic knowledge about animation concepts and drawing and later are made to use the software to create characters and models. The curriculum of the courses offered is project based which helps to get specialized in modelling and animation.
Approved by |
Established year |
2005 |
Motto |
To offer digital-age experimental training for creative expressions |
College type |
Private |
Awards |
Best Franchising Concept of the Year Award in 2011 from Franchise India Holdings |
Fast Emerging IT-Enabled Creative Training institute of the year 2017 award from Brands Academy |
Industrial collaborations |
The International Council of Design (ico-D) |
AIFA-Hollywood |
American Arm of International Animated Film Association |
Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) |
Institute of Indian Interior Designers (IIID) |
Certified as |
ISO 9001:2015 |
Cultural events |
VIBES 360 |
Location |
Shop No.360/1B2, Byepass road, Velacherry, Chennai-60042 |
Facilities |
Library |
Internet |
Courses |
Web Design and Development |
Jewelry Design |
Animation and Graphics |
Fashion Design |
Interior Design |
Famous as |
DZSA, Chennai |
No. of center |
54 |
044 - 49021342
Jammi Building, 2nd floor, No 125 , Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 700000 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 162000 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 164540 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 130000 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 180000 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 260000 |
>> Master of Business Administration | Fees : Rs. 120000 |