By Karuna
Class of 2021
Hotel management
By Prajwal Agarwal
Class of 2021
Fee in this institute is reasonable as this being a government college offering courses in the field of hotel management and catering and Nutrition technology. B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel administration fee in IHM will be Rs. 3.54 Lac totally for 3 years. The fee in this institute is always paid semester wise. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Pusa fee will have Rs. 1.32 Lac as the B.Sc. course fee of 1st year. From the 2nd year onwards the fee reduces and it will be around Rs. 1.05 Lac for 2nd year and Rs. 1.17 Lac in the final year. IHM, Pusa hostel fee would be close to Rs. 67,000 per annum to Rs. 97,000 per annum approximately.