Assam CEE 2025 Exam- Registration Dates, Syllabus, Eligibility, Pattern

Assam Combined Entrance Examination [Assam CEE]

The Assam Science & Technological University has announced the exam dates for Assam CEE. On July 3, the authorities will conduct the Assam CEE as a pen-and-paper test. On May 10, the Assam CEE application form will be available online to all qualified students. Students must complete the application form by May 31 to participate in the examination.

The Assam CEE 2025 admit card will be available online for registered students. Students who meet the eligibility requirements will be able to participate in the Assam CEE 2025 counseling procedure. To be eligible for Assam CEE 2025, students must have completed class 12 with mathematics, physics, chemistry, and English from an Assam bard or another recognized board.

Assam CEE 2025 will be held on July 3, 2025, according to the administration. Students can download their Assam CEE 2025 admit card 15 days before the exam begins after successfully registering for it.

Assam CEE 2025 Exam Date

The ASTU has released the Assam CEE 2025 exam dates at Students may look at the Assam CEE dates 2025 to find out when the various events of the examination and admission procedure will take place. Students would have a lower probability of forgetting significant events if they checked the Assam CEE 2025 dates regularly. On May 10, the Assam CEE 2025 application form will be issued. Students must register before the deadline for the Assam CEE 2025 application form. On July 3, Assam CEE 2025 will be held as a pen-and-paper exam. Assam CEE 2025 counselling dates will be given by the authorities when the result is announced.



Assam CEE 2025 Exam

June 2025

Assam CEE 2025 Application Form Starts

March 2025 

Assam CEE 2025 Application Form Deadline

April 2025 

Assam CEE 2025 Admit Card 

April 2025 

Assam CEE 2025 Answer Key

July 2025

Assam CEE 2025 Result

July 2025

Assam CEE 2025 Counseling

July 2025

Assam CEE 2025 Eligibility criteria

The following criteria will be used to determine eligibility for the Assam CEE 2025:

  • Students must be Indian citizens and permanent residents of Assam.
  • The lower age limit should be at least 17 years old, and the upper age limit should not be more than 22 years old. On August 1, 2025, the age will be calculated.
  • SC/ST students will have a 3-year age relaxation in the upper age limit.
  • Students must pass the last exam with at least 50% marks (40% for STs and 45% for SCs), with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English as required subjects.
  • The application will be filed over the internet. It will be accessible on the university's website. The application costs must be sent together with the application form. There will be two parts to the application form: Form A and Form B. Form A will be available before the application form, but Form B will be available at the counselling session.

Assam CEE 2025 Reservation Criteria

The following are the Assam CEE 2025 reservation categories:



Scheduled Tribes ( Plains) (ST(P))


Scheduled Castes (SC)


Scheduled Tribes ( Hills) (ST (H)) 


Ex-tea garden labour community (Ex TGLC)

1 seat per college

Son, and Daughter of Ex-Serviceman 

1 seat per college

Tea garden Labor community (TGLC)

1 seat per college

Other Backward Classes (including MOBC)

As per the updated rules laid down by the Government

Assam CEE 2025 Application Form & fees

The ASTU will release the Assam CEE 2025 application form on May 10 at the official website, Students must fill out and submit the Assam CEE application form 2025 by May 31 to be eligible to take the entrance exam. Students must include personal, academic, and contact information when filling out the Assam CEE application form. In addition, the requisite application fee must be paid. Students are recommended to check the official qualifying criteria before registering for Assam CEE 2025.

How to Fill Out the Assam CEE 2025 Application Form

Only online applications are accepted for Assam CEE 2025. Students must ensure that they submit their applications before the deadline. To complete the Assam CEE 2025 application process, follow these steps:

1. Registration

  • Go to the Assam DTE's official website.
  • In the notification panel, select the 'Click Here to Apply' option.
  • To complete the registration procedure, enter the following information: Name, email address, phone number, birth date, and password.

2. Filling out the application

  • Select 'Application Form' from the menu.
  • Candidate's Name, Parents' Names, Nationality, Date of Birth, Preferred Course, Gender, Qualifying Examination, Permanent Address, City and other residential data, Mobile Number, and Exam Center are all required fields.
  • Make sure your phone number and email address are valid because they will be used for future correspondence.

3. Document uploading

  • Students must provide necessary papers to prove their eligibility and pass status after completing the application form.
  • Students should ensure that the papers they upload are genuine and in the format specified. The following is a list of papers that must be uploaded with the application form:


File Size

File Format

File Dimension


Less than 100 KB



  • 100 to 180 pixels


  • 150 to 220 pixels


Less than 100 KB



  • 250 to 300 pixels


  • 150 to 220 pixels

4. Fee payment

Students can pay the application fee both online and offline after uploading the needed documents and completing the necessary information. Students can use their credit or debit cards when utilizing Net-Banking. Within 7 days of completing the application form, students can print the Bank Challan and submit the fee to the nearest State Bank of India branch. In the applicant's login menu, payment will be reflected and updated.


Application Fee

SC/ST category

Rs. 850

General category

Rs. 850

Assam CEE 2025 Syllabus & Exam Pattern

On the official website of ASTU, the Assam CEE 2025 exam pattern has been posted. Students should review the Assam CEE exam pattern 2025 for further information on how the exam will be conducted. The exam method, duration, kind of questions, marking scheme, and other details will be included in the Assam CEE exam pattern. Students would be familiar with the exam if they knew the Assam CEE exam pattern for 2025. Students should also review the official Assam CEE 2025 syllabus in addition to the exam pattern.



Assam CEE exam mode


Assam CEE exam medium


Assam CEE exam duration

3 Hours

Assam CEE exam sections




Assam CEE exam types of questions


Assam CEE exam total number of questions


Assam CEE exam



Assam CEE  2025 Section-wise Exam Pattern

At the state level, Dibrugarh University, Assam, conducts the ASSAM CEE 2026 entrance exam in offline mode. The test will consist of 120 multiple choice questions that must be answered in three hours. The weighting of the three sections of the Assam CEE 2025 question paper is evenly distributed.


No. of Questions












Assam CEE 2025 Marking Scheme

The Assam CEE 2025 would have a total of 480 marks. The question paper will be divided into three halves, each with 120 questions that are weighted equally. Each subject will be worth 40 marks: physics, mathematics, and chemistry. The following are some of the Assam CEE 2025 marking schemes that students should avoid:

  • The exam will include negative marking. For each wrong response, one mark will be deducted.
  • The Assam CEE 2025 question paper will be divided into three sections: physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
  • The newest curriculum of the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (NCERT) will be used for the question paper.
  • Out of the four alternatives for a question on the question paper, there would be only one valid response.
  • According to Dibrugarh University in Assam, the number of questions for the Assam CEE exam may alter each year.

Assam CEE 2025 Syllabus

The ASTU has released the syllabus for Assam CEE 2025. Students should consult the official Assam CEE syllabus 2025 to determine which subjects and topics must be studied for the upcoming exam. Students would be able to study for the exam and have a better chance of doing well if they referred to the Assam CEE syllabus. Physics, Chemistry, and Math are all covered in the Assam CEE syllabus 2025. Assam CEE is held according to the newest Assam Higher Secondary Education Council/NCERT syllabus.


Assam CEE 2025 Physics Syllabus


Units and Measurement

Solids and Fluids

Solids and Semi-Conductors Devices

Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia

Laws of Motion


Electromagnetic Waves

Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei


Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions

Description of Motion in One Dimension

Current Electricity

Thermal and Chemical Effects of Currents

Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

Units and Measurement

Ray Optics

Description of Motion in One Dimension

Transference of Heat

Solids and Semi-Conductors Devices

Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei



Assam CEE 2025 Chemistry Syllabus

Some Basic Concepts

Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

Atomic Structure

Synthetic and Natural Polymers

Surface Chemistry

Coordination Chemistry and Organo-Metallic

Chemistry of Lighter Metals

Transition Metals, Including Lanthanides

Some Basic Principles

Nuclear Chemistry

Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds

Chemistry in Action

Chemical Energetics and Thermodynamics

Chemical Equilibrium

Chemistry of Non-Metals, 1

Chemistry of Non-Metals, 2

Heavy Metals

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Rates of Chemical Reactions and Chemical Kinetics

Organic Compound Containing Halogens


States of Matter

Chemistry of Representative Elements

Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry

Environmental Chemistry



Assam CEE 2025 Maths Syllabus

Vector Algebra

Complex numbers

Two-Dimensional Geometry


Differential Equations

Integral Calculus

Mathematical Induction and Its Application

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Sets, Relations, and Functions

Binomial Theorem and Its Applications

Differential Calculus

Three-Dimensional Geometry


Permutations and Combinations

Sequences and Series

Binomial Theorem and Its Applications

Matrices and Determinants

Permutations and Combinations



Assam CEE 2025 Admit Card

The admit card for Assam CEE 2025 will be given probably on June 19. By checking in with the proper credentials, students will be able to get the Assam CEE admit card in 2025. The Assam CEE admit card was only given to those students who met the minimum qualifying requirements set by the authorities. Authorities will be required to provide the Assam CEE 2025 admit card, as well as a picture identity verification when reporting to the exam centres. The Assam CEE 2025 admit card will provide information such as the student's exam centre, dates, and more.

How to Download Assam CEE 2025 Admit Card

Students may download the Assam CEE Admit Card 2025 by following the steps outlined below:

  • Visit the Assam CEE's official website.
  • Select the Login tab.
  • Fill in your Registration Number and Birthdate.
  • To access the admit card, go to the Login tab.
  • Students must double-check the information provided, and the exam dates and times.
  • Take a printout of your admission card for future reference.

Details mentioned on Assam CEE 2025 Admit Card

The following details are mentioned on Assam CEE admit card:.


Roll Number of Assam CEE

Exam centre or venue details

Date and time of exam




Exam guidelines

Assam CEE 2025 Results & Score Card

The ASTU will tentatively declare the Assam CEE 2025 results on July 13. Students will be able to check the Assam CEE result 2025 by logging in with the requisite credentials. The students’ scores and ranks will be announced as part of the Assam CEE 2025 result. Following the successful announcement of the Assam CEE results, a merit list of qualifying students will be provided. The Assam CEE 2025 merit list will be compiled from the list of students who have been shortlisted for the next round of admissions.

How to Download Assam CEE 2025 Result

Go to ASTU's official website.

Select "Assam CEE Results" from the drop-down menu.

Please include your roll number and date of birth.

On the screen, your Assam CEE 2025 scorecard will appear.

Check every detail listed in the results, then save the file.

Students should double-check all of the components listed on their scorecard. Students can download their result cards and save them for future reference after they have been thoroughly reviewed. If there is a discrepancy, it must be reported to ASTU officials within 24 hours of the exam results being released.

Assam CEE 2025 Result Tie-Breaking Process

There would be two or more students who must have received the same CEE score in such instances. The PCM aggregate from Class XII will be used to narrow down the students. If a tie still exists, the overall average in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and English will be used to narrow down the students. The Chairman of the Selection Committee will select the students on alternative terms for the remaining ties.

Scores on the entrance examination.

The PCM aggregate from Class XII will be considered.

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English as a whole.

For the following colleges, a separate merit list is created:.

The Chairman of the Selection Committee will choose the students based on various criteria.

Assam CEE 2025 Answer Key

The ASTU will release the CEE 2025 answer key. The Assam CEE answer key 2025 will allow students to examine the official answers to the question paper. Students will be able to assess their likely obtained marks using the Assam CEE answer key before the official result is revealed. The marking scheme from the Assam CEE 2025 exam pattern must be used to determine the marks. Until the deadline, objections to the tentative Assam CEE 2025 answer key will be considered.

How to Download Assam CEE 2025 Answer Key

The processes for downloading the Assam CEE answer key are outlined here.

Visit the official Assam CEE 2025 website.

Select "Assam CEE 2025 Answer Key" from the menu.

In PDF format, the Assam CEE answer key will be accessible.

The students will have to download the answer key.

You may also download a printout of the Assam CEE answer key.


How to Calculate Assam CEE 2025 Answer Key

Students can use the Assam CEE answer key to compute their marks by following the instructions outlined.

Students must first get the Assam CEE answer key 2025 as an initial step.

The answers must be compared to the student’s responses.

The approved marking scheme must be implemented by the Assam CEE 2025 exam pattern.

The final estimated scores will reflect the most likely exam results.

It should be emphasized that the calculated scores are only estimates.


Raise Objection against Assam CEE 2025 Answer Key

Students will have the opportunity to protest the preliminary Assam CEE answer key in 2025. Students must first enter their accounts on the official website before filing their complaints. For each question, a payment of Rs. 300 is required. The fee must be paid online, which may be done using a net banking account, a credit card, or a debit card. The money will be reimbursed if the challenge is maintained. The authorities will consider all of the arguments before making a final judgement.

Assam CEE 2025 Counselling & Admission

The DTE of Assam will soon disclose the Assam CEE 2025 counselling dates. Qualified students would be able to participate in the Assam CEE 2025 counselling. Students must register, upload papers, fill out their preferences, and submit the form during the Assam CEE counselling procedure. It is also necessary to pay the counselling fees. Students who are eligible and registered will be assigned seats based on their rank, preferences, and seat availability.

Students who pass the entrance exam will be accepted to various undergraduate engineering programs in Assam's government and private affiliated colleges.

The counselling will take place entirely on the internet.

Students will be invited to counselling depending on their merit list ranking.

In Form B, students will be able to select three courses and colleges from which to study.

After verification, students must report to the designated institute and pay Rs. 7450 for admission. And Rs. 600 for counselling fees on the same day. For the Assam CEE counselling process, students must also bring a completed Form B along with other essential papers.

Assam CEE 2025 Counseling Process

To complete the Assam CEE 2025 counselling procedure, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Login: The first step requires students to go to the official website. Students must submit their application number and date of birth to log in.

Step 2 - Update Basic Information: Students must now update their basic information and submit the form.

Step 3: Scanning and Uploading Documents: Students must scan and submit all needed documents.

Step 4: Selecting Institutions and Courses: Students must select colleges and courses in order of preference.

Step 5: Form Submission: Students must submit the Assam CEE 2025 counselling form after considering all of the information supplied.

Step 6: Fees Payment: Finally, the students had to pay Rs. 700 counselling fee using SBI Collect.

Ask & Answers

Q1. Is it possible that the Assam CEE 2025 exam will be postponed?

No, it isn't. As of yet, there is no indication that the Assam CEE 2025 will be postponed.

Q2. When will the Assam CEE results be announced?

The outcome of the Assam CEE 2025 will be released provisionally on July 13.

Q3. When will the dates for Assam CEE 2025 counselling be released?

Counseling dates for Assam CEE 2025 will be announced after the results are released.

Q4. Is the Assam CEE 2025 examination held on the same day as the Engineering Diploma/BTech examination?

Yes, the Assam CEE test is held on a single day and in a single slot window for all applicants, regardless of exam format or language.

Q5. Will the Assam CEE result include the institute-specific cut-off ranks?

After the result is released, the Assam CEE authorities may provide the cutoff information. The institute's website, however, is likely to include more specific information.

Q6. Does the Assam CEE result have any validity?

The Assam CEE result is valid for one year.

Q7. When is the Assam CEE 2025 counselling going to take place?

The counselling dates for Assam CEE 2025 will be announced shortly.

Q8. Can I pick my date and time for Assam CEE 2025 counselling?

No, students are not permitted to choose the date and time of the counselling procedure because the exam conducting organization sets the timetable.

Q9. Does the Assam CEE test pattern include a negative marking scheme?

Yes, for each wrong answer, one mark will be reduced.